"Selamat Datang" to the official blog of UKRV - Ulu Kelang REAL Veterans football club. This blog was created to document the football activities of UKRV and may include from time to time other such matters that are deemed to be of interest to it's team members. We welcome dan menyambut baik segala and any positive comments, ideas or suggestions from team members (dan sesiapa juga yang mempunyai interest in seeing UKRV develop further), to make this blog a place you would want to comeback often and share your thoughts and ideas.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Kepada pemain2 yang telah datang ke padang DBKL di Brickfields malam ini, thank you very much for turning up. Unfortunately game kena cancel kerana hujan telah menyebabkan keadaan padang tidak mengizinkan pemainan diadakan.

Tapi gambar tetap ada, ni some players tengah makan & minum di kedai Naga di Brickfield (yang lain tu telah ke Doraisamy):

Image 3980.JPG
Mi Kelate muram .... tak dapat tambah jaringan gol malam ni!

Image 3975.JPG

Tapi tak pa. Next game minggu depan, Ahad 31st January 2010 di padang DBKL Seksyen 4 Wangsa Maju, insyallah (god willing).

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