"Selamat Datang" to the official blog of UKRV - Ulu Kelang REAL Veterans football club. This blog was created to document the football activities of UKRV and may include from time to time other such matters that are deemed to be of interest to it's team members. We welcome dan menyambut baik segala and any positive comments, ideas or suggestions from team members (dan sesiapa juga yang mempunyai interest in seeing UKRV develop further), to make this blog a place you would want to comeback often and share your thoughts and ideas.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Match Report - UKRV vs PKNS Football Academy Parents Team

Amidst a slight drizzle after hujan lebat at 4 pm, UKRV players started trickling into UKRC Club house slightly after 4.30pm. By 5 pm most of our team players were already at the club house getting ready for the kick off at 5.30pm. A few though could only make it after the kick off at 5.30pm thus missing on the group photo session.

OM took the players to the field for a warm-up session amidst the slight drizzle. "Saya suka cuaca macam ni" kata Adzrin ...... ya saya faham ..... memang sesuai untuk berbagai jenis sukan. Tapi petang tu kita main bolasepak.


After the warm-up session (rasanya macam dah berlari setengah jam) ..... apa lagi tiba lah masa yang dinantikan, group photo session. Kali ini, Mizei, Shah, Kamil, Rustam and Ali tak sampai on time. So depa tak ada dalam gambar. Mani & Abang Jo ada, tapi segan nak bergambar. Saya pun tak ada dalam gambar, sebab kena ambil gambar. Here is the photo, semuanya handsome2 belaka. Cuma yang pakai baju light blue tu comel.Sesiapa yang berminat, sila hubungi saya ........... berminat nak beli pemain saja !


We kick-off with quite a balanced team of players with Chris, Fauzi, Om & Muhammad at the back and Abdah in goal. Azhar and Karu played in midfield. Bab and Garrett were on the flanks with Shah and Azmi playing in the forward line.

We needed to guage the abilities of our opponents and make adjustments if necessary as this is the first time we are facing them. Generally we had possession of the ball 70% of the time in the 1st half. Play was concentrated in the middle and in the opponent's half. We used the middle and the left flanks in most of our attack. Azhar, our midfield general, distributed the ball well and Karu managed to win and keep possession of the ball in the middle. We had several opportunities at goals with through balls down the middle and crosses from the left flanks.

The 1st goal came quick enough in the 10th minutes through a well taken strike by Karu in the penalty box. It was a simple goal, but a well struck one leaving the keeper well beaten. UKRV dominated play after the 1st goal with endless surge forward by the midfield and the forwards down the middle and the left flanks where Garrett was playing.


It didn't take long for Azhar, our midfield general, to see an opportunity at goal. Azhar had ample time to strike a well taken shot from well outside the penalty area. A well taken goal ................ into the left hand corner of the goal post, leaving the keeper clutching air. Azhar struck the ball with his instep aje ...... power tu bang, from 30 yards.

Saya tak sempat nak ambil gambar kesemua gol2 yang di score pemain kita kerana too excited melihat permainan UKRV....... apa kata orang putih ........... mesmerising ....... (orang melayu kata menakjubkan lah!) .................. pemainan yang penuh dengan skillfull short passing, through passes, sliding tackling, ball dribbling skills, burst of speed macam Ronaldo, keeping tight possession of the ball .......................macam2 ada. Pada hal masa practise, kita main kat padang sekangkang kera aje. OTAI2 UKRV ni memang hebatlah.

Tapi kita terpaksa juga melupakan beberapa "adegan2", "moments of truth" dan "incidents yang mengecewakan", ha! ha! ha! paham2 ajelah. Ianya berlaku ......... mungkin disebabkan kehilangan konsentrasi seperti "tendangan penalty" and situasi "one-on-one" dengan goalkeeper, situasi "open goal mouth" yang "termiss dengan tak sengaja", atau pun juga telah "dikompromi dengan pihak lawan". Tak apa, kita ma'afkan .................. pumping 100 kali bang next training !.

Gol ketiga saya "termiss", kerana terpaksa ke T _ N _ A _ , hari hujan bang, sejuk. Tapi Abang Jo beritahu Bab scored from a free kick. Bagus betul engkau Bab, tiap2 perlawanan engkau score (orang Melaka suka cakap engkau/aku). Right on brother ...... fetish stokin, siap engkau Bab, dah ada peminat di Flickr. Shah added another goal towards the end of the 1st half and the score remains at 4-0 at break time.

So 2nd half line-up pun main sikit punya confident lah. Sudah leading 4-0. Depa enjoy sakan lah. We were so dominant in the 2nd half that it was surprising that we only scored 2 goals. Mana tak surprise ................... banyaknya goal opportunities yang "termiss".


Rustam kept goal in the 2nd half, while the back four consist of Venu, Fauzi, Shariff and Adzrin while Murti, Black, Ismail and Azrul played in midfield. Krishnan and Amin played upfront. Our striker Amin scored both goals in the 2nd half. The first goal was a well executed flick of the ball over the head of the goalkeeper in a one-on-one situation and the other was well struck "on-the-run' kind of ball down the left flank, another typical Amin's goal (catch me if you can defender!). A superb goal. We could have added a third, fourth, fifth goal ............ tapi apakan daya, rezeki banyak tu aje in the 2nd half.

Krishnan missed the spot kick. Pada kebiasannya, Krish ni very precise with his kicking .............. siap boleh place the ball where he wants to. Tapi petang tu dia gugup sedikit ............... tak, dia gugup banyak ! Maklumlah dah 20 tahun tak tendang penalty. Nasib baik bukan "European Cup" final. Kalau tidak sure saya panggil Mr. Perez dan transfer Krish dari REAL Veterans ke REAL Madrid petang semalam.

Jeng ! jeng ! jeng !, then comes the 3rd half and the opponent had to score a goal just when I am playing. What luck ! PKNS FAPT came back at us in the 3rd half. I thought they were going to score a dozen. But we contained them with our back four of Ammar, Shariff, Mizei and Kamil with Abdah again in goal. I postioned myself in midfield (tak ada orang suruh pun, pilih sendiri position tu) with Karu, Raja Radzmi and Chris.


Raja Radzmi has turned into a very skilfull midfielder and has gained much confidence in his play ..... ini bakal jadi midfield maestro dia ni. Nama pun Raja, sahlah tu Raja Bola. If I remembered well, the forwards then was Ali and Hashim. Play was dominated by PKNS in the first few minutes and we were on our back heel during the first 5 minutes. PKNS FAPT took several shots at goal but was well saved by Abdah. The goal had to come. It finally did after about 5 minutes of play.

Tapi setelah kita settle down kita managed to bring play into their half with Raja and Karu getting through balls to the forwards down the middle. Tak boleh main flanks kerana tak ada yang boleh lari. We made some changes with Garrett, Ismail, Azmi & Shah coming in. It somehow had to happen ...................Azmi came running towards the goal after a through pass, the goalkeeper came out, there was a clash of bodies ................. and the ball trickled into the goal mouth. Tahniah MI, finally the goal came, after all the Mi ......sses. Shah then added a goal towards the end of the 3rd half, bringing the final tally to 8 for UKRV and 1 to PKNS FAPT.


But I must take off my hat to PKNS FAPT. With a team that is half of our squad, they were able to last the 3 halves and made some very good play down the flanks. Ariff was superb in the middle for PKNS and their sweeper played magnificently. I tought they played well in the 3rd half and could have scored a couple if not for our good defence and our goal custodian.

Gentlemen, I would say the game was a good warm-up match for this Saturday's game. This Saturday's game would be a real test of our fitness. I think we are already ok with our style of play. It would be excellent if our "midfield generals" dictates the tempo of play and flow of the ball to suit our players ability.

Though we often hear OM, Mizi, Fauzi, Azhar, Garrett, Murti shouting instructions on the field and asking for the ball when helping the others, the rest needs to be a bit more vocal too (me included) and support our team mate who has possession of the ball.

Yang ada ball possession tu, pass the ball to your team mates. Kadang2 kita tak mahu pass to certain players, takut kehilangan bola. Well mistakes made, are mistakes to be learnt. Kalau tak buat mistakes mana nak improve. Yang pandai ajar yang tak berapa pandai. Encourage them and give vocal support.

Ada OTAI2 yang dah lama tak main; mana nak tenguk bola, mana pulak nak tenguk kawan nak pass .........Kita kena bagi confidence kat team mates kita ni. Again yang pandai ajar yang tak berapa pandai. Matlamatnya, get everybody to play well enough to make football enjoyable for us. Kalau dia dah pandai main nanti, senang sikitlah yang dah pandai tadi on the field. Yang tak pandai tu jangan pula memandai pulak and marah bila kena tunjuk ajar, kenalah selalu practise and get fit. Yang mengajar tu, tegurlah dengan bersopan ................ ni bapak budak bang!.

I welcome onboard the new players who had their 1st game last Sunday; Venu Gopal, Ammar and Ali . Hope you had an enjoyable game and don't forget to pay your monthly dues, ha! ha! ha! and keep the UKRV flag flying high and .................that goes to everybody in the team.

Oh! yes before I forget, thank you Rashidi and Abang Jo for the helping hand with the drinks, jerseys, football and match fee collection. I would really feel lost and unable to cope without your help. And also to the player's "Other & Better halves" who came in full force with their children to support their husbands.


.... and thank your to the ever present Aidit ....... walaupun dia mai lambat, tapi dia tetap mai jugak to our game ...

............... and this mesaage is for Chris and Ammar. Please get your wife (or wives if you have more than 1) or your local friends to help you out when you are reading postings in this blog because it is written in a mixture of English and Bahasa Malaysia languages. Hope you guys can bear with me.

Here is the link to the photos taken on match day with PKNS Football Academy Parents Team, enjoy!!!!!!!!!

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