"Selamat Datang" to the official blog of UKRV - Ulu Kelang REAL Veterans football club. This blog was created to document the football activities of UKRV and may include from time to time other such matters that are deemed to be of interest to it's team members. We welcome dan menyambut baik segala and any positive comments, ideas or suggestions from team members (dan sesiapa juga yang mempunyai interest in seeing UKRV develop further), to make this blog a place you would want to comeback often and share your thoughts and ideas.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

UKRV Player's Profile

I have uploaded 32 UKRV player's profile thus far. Hanya tinggal Rashidi, Ammar & Hisham. Will try to get their photos this weekend. I should have this section completed by then. Kalau ada sesiapa yang nak tukar gambar (manalah tahu kalau ada gambar sendiri ke ..... tapi kena gambar solo, gambar berdua dengan girlfriend tak boleh terima) atau inginkan saya tambah atau delete info player's profile boleh SMS atau email kepada saya.

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