"Selamat Datang" to the official blog of UKRV - Ulu Kelang REAL Veterans football club. This blog was created to document the football activities of UKRV and may include from time to time other such matters that are deemed to be of interest to it's team members. We welcome dan menyambut baik segala and any positive comments, ideas or suggestions from team members (dan sesiapa juga yang mempunyai interest in seeing UKRV develop further), to make this blog a place you would want to comeback often and share your thoughts and ideas.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

National Open Junior Community Football League 2009

I was there this morning with the Mrs at MBPJ Football field behind A&W to lend my support to the UKRC U11 team who were having their league game this morning against PNKS Football Academy at 9.30am.

Arrived at the field at about quarter past nine. The U11 squad under the charge of coach OM was being given the last minute briefing by the coach when we arrived. The parents whose sons are in the U11 squad turned up in full force to give their support to the team (Mizei, Arin, Murti, Mohammad, Fauzi, Rustam, Black, Aidit and Hashim, some with their "other halves" and siblings ........)

The game with PKNS started as scheduled at 9.30am. UKRC U11 was wearing their blue jersey while their opponent was in red outfit. PKNS toook the game to UKRC in the first few minutes at the start of the game before our U11 boys got to settle down and got themselves organised and come into the game. PKNS was the favourite at the start to win this game but our boys manage to come out on top with a 2-1 win. PKNS must be wondering what went wrong with their team this morning. Maybe their boys got up from the wrong side of the bed this morning.


The UKRC U11 boys played well against PKNS. Unlike in the previous match against KBRB last week, the boys "PLAYED WELL AS A TEAM" this time around. They were able to confine the ball play in PKNS half most of the time. The defence covered the goal area well and did not waste time clearing the ball out of danger quickly. They chase and challenged for every ball well and left the PKNS forwards wondering what they would need to do to break the UKRC defence.

Our forwards did quite well to hold on to the ball especially our no. 9 and 11. They played quite well. However they could have been more effective if more support could have come from the middle of the field. Except for the defence, most of our forwards and midfield players needs improve on their shooting skills and to try to score goals from outside the penalty box when the oportunity arises.

Well, our boys finally had their break late in the 1st half scoring a goal from a free kick just outside the penalty box. It well a well taken and precise free kick and the oppossing goalkeeper could not prevent the ball from going into the back of his net.

PKNS on the other hand have a few good footballer with excellent individual ball control skills, but they lacked teamwork and understanding among the players. But when they clicked as a team on one particular occassion, they managed to score the equaliser. Their goal come midway through the second half. The PKNS move started from the half way line and their winger made an excellent shot at goal from the right side of the penalty box and left our goalkeeper clutching air. It was a momentarily loss of concentration of our defence.

The UKRC U11 team then scored their second goal from a loose ball situation inside the penalty box about 8 minutes before the game ended. After the second goal, our boys managed to take possession of the ball most of the time and the score remained at 2-1 in our favour till the final whistle. I managed to take some photos during the match. I have these photos uploaded at my account in FLICKR. Please click below to view them . To get a full screen view, click "SLIDESHOW". Enjoy!

The U11 squad played their second game at 12.30pm. They drew 1-1 against YFA, the favourite team to win the tournament. I was not able to watch the game as I have to pick up my kids from British Council. The boys must have done well to draw with YFA.

I honestly believe this U11 squad can go far in this tournament as long as they display good team spirit and excellent teamwork helping out each other in the field. A two hours alternate day practise session per week on the field with particular emphasis on shooting skills, ball control and ball passing skills, free kicks and corner kicks would definitely help the team to perform better in their upcoming weekly matches. Syabas to the UKRC U11 squad for their excellent performance this morning.

For the latest result on the National Open Junior Community Football League 2009 click below:

Our boys played PKNS this morning. The fathers will be playing a firiendly match at UKRC on 21st June 2009. Kickoff is scheduled at 5pm.

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